Friday, October 30, 2015

Creationists: If humans aren't animals, why do our embryos look so similar to other animal's embryos?

A famous quote every biologist in the world agrees with: "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." 

From Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne: 

"Creationists often cite Haeckel's 'fudged' drawings as a tool for attacking evolution in general: evolutionists, they claim, will distort the facts to support a misguided Darwinism. But the Haeckel story is not so simple. Haeckel may not have been guilty of malfeasance, but only of sloppiness: his "fraud" consisted solely of illustrating three different embryos using the same woodcut. When called to account, he admitted the error and corrected it. There's simply no evidence that he consciously distorted the appearance of embryos to make them look more similar than they already were." 

"The blood vessels of embryonic humans start out resembling those of embryonic fish, with a top and bottom vessel connectedly by parallel vessels, one on each side ('aortic arches'). In fish, these side vessels carry blood to and from the gills. Embryonic and adult fish have six pairs of arches; this is the basic ground plan that appears at the beginning of development of all vertebrates. In the human embryo, the first, second, and fifth arches form briefly at the beginning of development, but disappear by four weeks of age, when the third, fourth, and sixth arches have rearranged themselves, looking much like the embryonic vessels of a reptile. In the final adult configuration, the vessels are rearranged still more, with some having vanished or transformed themselves into different vessels. The aortic arches of fish undergo no such transformation." 

"All vertebrates begin development looking like embryonic fish because we all descended from a fishlike ancestor with a fishlike embryo. We see strange contortions and disappearances of organs, blood vessels, and gill slits because descendants still carry the genes and developmental programs of ancestors. And the sequence of development changes also make sense: at one stage of development mammals have an embryonic circulatory system like that of reptiles; but we don't see the converse situation. Why? Because mammals descended from early reptiles and not vice versa."

Thursday, October 29, 2015

A god-soaked anti-science fucktard in some town in Virginia wrote a letter to their newspaper about sticking magical creationism bullshit into public schools. I wrote this comment.

"there is data pro and con for naturalistic evolution"

You don't know what you're talking about. Evolution has been accepted by biologists as fact for more than a century. Today there are countless thousands of powerful evidences for evolution from DNA sequencing and other branches of science. Evolution has become the strongest fact of science. You should educate yourself about evolution instead of lying about it.

"the many scientists who also believe in creationism"

Science deniers are not scientists. Also, scientists do not invoke supernatural magic to explain the natural world. And that'
s what your childish creationism fantasy really is, a belief in magic.

This quote from a famous paleontologist was written back when magical creationism was called "creation science" even though there is nothing scientific about magic.

"Creation science has not entered the curriculum for a reason so simple and so basic that we often forget to mention it: because it is false, and because good teachers understand why it is false. What could be more destructive of that most fragile yet most precious commodity in our entire intellectual heritage—good teaching—than a bill forcing our honorable teachers to sully their sacred trust by granting equal treatment to a doctrine not only known to be false, but calculated to undermine any general understanding of science as an enterprise?"
-- Stephen Jay Gould

Another reason magical creationism is not taught in public schools is because teaching anti-science nonsense is child abuse. Another reason is it would violate the Establishment Clause of our Bill of Rights - we can't be sticking moronic religous fantasies into public schools.

Monday, October 26, 2015

American stupidity in American universities. Two comments I wrote at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

  1. GM
    October 26, 2015 at 6:20 pm
    “Why not let people choose what they want their children to learn?” Wellman said.
    There is a huge flaw in this line of thinking – primarily because the fact that parents can be mistaken or biased isn’t taken into consideration.”
    This is concerning. I’m all for teaching evolution. But the concept put forth here that scientists, or anyone for that matter, takes precedence over parents for what a child is taught and exposed to is appalling. Do you actually believe that “experts” in their fields are not biased? That they have a greater love and concern for the individual child than that child’s parents? This is an “ivory tower” belief.
    • Eric C.
      October 26, 2015 at 10:35 pm
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      “But the concept put forth here that scientists, or anyone for that matter, takes precedence over parents for what a child is taught and exposed to is appalling.”
      How is letting scientists and science teachers make decisions about science curriculums appalling? And since when did parents (especially parents who deny basic scientific facts) become qualified to say anything about science curriculums?
      The experts are biased? You want to throw out the experts because they accept reality?
  2. Don
    October 26, 2015 at 6:41 pm
    Religion has been a problem for many many years in the classroom. Instead of sound science the 3% atheist population has infiltrated the PUBLIC classroom (not their own private schools) with 100% religious conjecture that all things were created without design and without a creator. This nonsensical, unscientific, debunked philosophy has cause more problem and chaos in the schools and in the world than any other and the public needs to be EDUCATED on the reality of the RELIGION being taught and the VAST evidence that supports what has ALWAYS been taught in the past in this nation.
    • Eric C.
      October 26, 2015 at 10:46 pm
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      “100% religious conjecture that all things were created without design and without a creator”
      Your ridiculous idea that basic facts of science supported by more than 150 years of scientific discoveries is “religious conjecture” is why we let scientists (instead of science deniers) make decisions about science curriculums.
      Evolution has been accepted by biologists as fact for more than a century. Today thanks to countless thousands of powerful evidences from DNA sequencing and other branches of science, evolution has become the strongest fact of science.
      Another thing about evolution is it’s interesting. Don’t teach evolution and students learn how to hate science because they think it’s boring. Teach evolution and students learn how to love science.
      Your magical creator fantasy does not belong in the 21st century. But you go ahead and believe your nonsense, nobody cares. Just have the decency to not infect America’s students with your disease.

Ben Carson will be the next president of the United States.

A comment I wrote at the New York Times. Out of 790 comments there were 11 "NYT Picks".  What I wrote was one of those 11 comments.

I have a very low opinion of Mr. Carson's denial of evolution which is my favorite branch of science. Despite this strange problem he has, I am for him 100%. I agree with his ideas about foreign policy, government spending, taxes, and allowing America to export oil and natural gas, especially to countries who depend on Russia for these things. His soft voice and his inability to insult anyone is exactly what this country needs to get the 2 political parties to work together to solve problems instead of constantly being at war with each other. This may surprise fans of Ms. Clinton but several polls show Ben Carson would be able to defeat her.

Another comment written by someone else.

Joe in Hartford, CT:

Wow a bunch of NYT fans commenting on the leading GOP candidate who is black and likely the most educated and experienced contender of both parties. I've noticed the word extreme and fundamentalist, bigot, and megalomaniacal used to describe this guy, a few even call these assertions facts. I've heard that as a doctor, he has no idea what Obamacare is or does. You folks sure love to throw big words and concepts around.

You all seem to believe that "experience" and leadership only comes from your blessed Taj Mahal on the Potomac. Sorry, there hasn't been leadership in that town in many years, and just being there does not confer some kind of magic quality that guaranty's even a mediocre outcome. We've already gotten several mediocre outcomes, how about an actual person with comviction and passion and courage take the helm for once?

So he doesn't think Muslims should lead the US because of inherent conflict with their faith, have any of you read the Quran? Is there pendency in a democratic society for that? Has anyone asked how or if his religion has ever entered his professional life? This is a man who has risked lives while in surgery, I think he is supremely qualified to judge whether additional lives should be sent overseas chasing God knows what.

You folks claiming anyone who does not March with you is extremist has become predictable and laughable. You've blown your credibility.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

What I wrote at an atheist website.

"Christianity is very specific about the character of this God, his attributes, his personality, his preferences, and his methods of working with humanity."
A few times I have tried to explain something to Christians but they are too dense to be able to understand. My idea is the universe is unimaginably vast. There are countless trillions of solar systems out there. Our Sun and our 8 planets are equal to one grain of sand in the Sahara Desert. So why would a magical master of the entire universe (if it was real, but of course it's just a ridiculous fantasy) want to give this tiny insignificant planet so much special treatment? It's insane to pretend our species and this planet are a big deal. But Christians are Christians because, to put it as nicely as possible, are just plain stupid. They might have successful careers, but anyone who believes their moronic fantasies has a terrible mental illness which is almost always incurable. What a waste of a life. These cowardly feeble-minded people are pathetic.

Ben Carson, candidate for the 2016 Republican nomination for USA president, is an evolution denier, aka fucking idiot. I'm voting for him anyway. I wrote this comment about him at the Wall Street Journal.

The Republicans have to defeat Ms. Clinton. Nothing else matters. That means Republican voters need to look at the polls to see which candidate has the best chance of winning the election and then voting for that candidate. Polls will change but right now that Republican is Ben Carson who has my vote.
There is another reason to vote for Mr. Carson. He is fantastic. I was totally impressed by everything he said at a CNN interview, 15 minutes, and I recommend everyone watch it. What surprised me was his knowledge of foreign policy, and his ideas about government spending and the income tax. Ben Carson is what I call a Real Republican. "Ben Carson on being a black president"
One more thing: Unlike for example Mr. Trump he does not insult people. I don't think he could do that even if he wanted to.


I wrote this at

Atheist since 1967, anti-theist since 9/11/2001. I have extreme contempt for bible thumpers, Muslim scum, deists, and agnostics.

However I am a Republican, fiscal conservative, very conservative, I could never vote for a liberal extremist like Ms. Clinton. A problem (and it's a terrible disgusting problem) is virtually all Republican politicians are science deniers, aka idiots. Since I want to vote for a conservative I have to vote for my favorite idiot.

I was not going to vote for Ben Carson until I listened to a 15 minute interview (see video I provided, I bet nobody here watched it). More research showed that Carson could easily defeat Clinton. I was impressed by what Carson said, and even more impressed he could win the election. So I'm voting for him despite his god disease.

If he wins this would be two black presidents in a row. The difference is unlike Obama who would rather suck up to incompetent teachers than do anything about terrible schools in black neighborhoods, and unlike Obama who goes out of his way to destroy jobs, Mr. Carson would actually be a good thing for African Americans. His economic policy would create jobs, not destroy jobs, and like virtually all conservatives, he would not tolerate the teacher's unions who only care about themselves instead of the students.

Carson is not perfect but he is the best Republican candidate for many reasons, and many times better than what the Democratic Party offers. Look at the polls. He will defeat Ms. Clinton.

    When I first read about this evidence for evolution I thought this should be enough for even creationist morons to understand. I was wrong.

    Friday, October 23, 2015

    What I wrote about idiot religions.

    Religion has contributed absolutely nothing to human progress. Instead religion has a long history of getting in the way. Then of course there's the violence, brainwashing, and breathtaking stupidity, all thanks to religion.

    Wednesday, October 21, 2015

    Normal people (aka atheists), was it easy or difficult for you to throw out the religious brainwashing?

    The Yahoo crybabies vaporized this one:

    My 2nd attempt:

    Normal people (aka atheists), was it easy or difficult for you to throw out the religious brainwashing?

    Update: I asked this question yesterday but for some strange reason the entire thing was vaporized.
    Update 2: Normal: free from any mental disorder; sane

    I wrote my own answer:

    There have been some complaints about the word normal. Here is the dictionary definition: 

    Normal: free from any mental disorder; sane. 

    Theism and agnosticism are mental disorders. Atheism is normal. 

    There have been many best answers. Thanks everyone for your stories. I would like to tell my story. Here it is. 

    I endured 8 years of intense religious brainwashing in a Catholic school, 1st grade thru 8th grade. 

    When I was 18 In high school my girlfriend asked me "Why do you go to church?" The question shocked me because nobody had ever asked that question. I was speechless. I could not say anything. She changed the subject and that was the end of that. 

    A few months later our Pastor, two Sundays in a row, spent the entire sermon explaining why it was important for us to donate more cash so he could send it to the very wealthy Vatican. That's when I realized the Catholic Church is a business and the customers are suckers. That was the last time I went to church. 

    Because the brainwashing was for 8 years, it took me a long time to completely throw out the ridiculous god fantasy. Today I get it. God is just another word for magic. Magic is not real therefore magical beings are impossible.

    Texas is infested with uneducated god-soaked science deniers. Bill Nye, the Science Guy coming to Midland, Texas.

    I wrote this at a Texas news website:

    "Texas is infested with uneducated god-soaked science deniers. They need to listen to Bill Nye talk about evolution which is the strongest fact of science."

    There is lots of Texas-Stupid in the comments.

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    Tuesday, October 20, 2015

    Darwin killed God.

    "An atheist before Darwin could have said, following Hume: 'I have no explanation for complex biological design. All I know is that God isn't a good explanation, so we must wait and hope that somebody comes up with a better one.' I can't help feeling that such a position, though logically sound, would have left one feeling pretty unsatisfied, and that although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist."
    -- Richard Dawkins

    More quotes in the left column of the Sandwalk blog.

    Monday, October 19, 2015

    Another person explained some of the problems with religion.

    Indoctrination can be brutal..... For some, very traumatic.

    Religion thrives on fear and guilt..... Religion lowers one's self esteem...
    Religion does not encourage independent thinking..... 

    A question at Yahoo Answers: "Why do creationists refuse facts and evidence and constantly try to use the bible as a valid response when it holds no facts in itself?"

    "Why do creationists refuse facts and evidence and constantly try to use the bible as a valid response when it holds no facts in itself?" 

    The obvious answer is the science deniers are uneducated morons. They have other problems, especially their cowardly fear of reality, their refusal to educate themselves, and their breathtaking stupidity. 

    Magical creationism is not just a moronic childish anti-science fantasy. It's a mental illness. And in most cases the brain damage is incurable. These Retards-For-Jeebus will waste their entire pathetic worthless lives never knowing what they are and where they came from. 

    One more thing: The science that makes the god-soaked cry, evolution by natural selection and genetic drift, is the strongest fact of science. There is no other fact that has as much evidence as evolution has. The evidence from just DNA sequencing is overwhelming. The dipshits who deny the whole thing don't have any idea how much evidence they have to throw out to believe their ridiculous magical creation fantasy. 

    The creationists disgrace the human race. They should not be allowed near children.

    “It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” -- Carl Sagan

    “It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”
    -- Carl Sagan

    Feeble-minded cowards and their disgusting fantasies.

    A fucking idiot wrote:

    Exactly! People in Jesus's day knew this too. Dead people stay dead. They weren't expecting Christ to arise from the grave. It was over. That is why it is so significant that they immediately began telling people  that he had risen from the grave, many of them going to death themselves for refusing to renounce that claim.

    My reply:

    Sir, magic is not real including a magical resurrection of a decomposing corpse. Your dead witnesses (gullible or invented, take your pick) does not change this basic fact of reality. There is no magic in the universe. Any unbrainwashed child could figure that out.
    There is a thing called evidence. Throwing out reality is a fantastic claim that requires fantastic evidence. Dead witnesses are not evidence for anything.
    In any case, even if they had YouTube videos of the magical event, it never happened. Reality is what it is. Reality is not ever going to go away.
    It's ridiculous I have to explain these things in the 21st century.

    All religions are bullsh!t fantasies for feeble-minded cowardly morons. Islam is currently the most violent cult. Muslim scum need to be wiped off this planet.

    A mother smiles as she cuts her little boy's face with a knife.

    If you're a Muslim retard get off my planet you worthless disgusting piece of crap.

    Sunday, October 18, 2015

    I wrote this quote from the WSJ at the New York Times. We will see if it gets published. Liberal idiots like to blame the Jews for their terrorism problem, as if Muslim lunatics are the good guys.

    I recently read about this interesting idea: "Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat urged licensed Israeli gun owners to carry their weapons and help defend civilians." Already this advice has saved lives except of course the terrorists were killed. From the same news article: "Four Palestinians were killed and one injured after carrying out five separate knife attacks in Israel on Saturday." It's terrible when people have to carry weapons to defend themselves but that's the way it is in Israel these days.

    Friday, October 16, 2015

    There is lots of fucking stupid in Idiot America.

    So how exactly do you know the Holy Spirit is not a fact ? And by the way, this belief did not start in the dark ages, but began from the very start of the Church with the words of Jesus Himself. So please enlighten me with your proof.

    Normal person (aka me):
    There is no chance I can convince you magical beings are not real. I've met your kind before. You people prefer wishful thinking instead of evidence. And that's what you need, evidence. It's your fantasy so it's your responsibility to provide evidence for it. I don't have to do anything to disprove your magic ghost for the same reason you don't have to disprove the idea there are pink elephants orbiting an asteroid in another galaxy.

    However I will explain some things about reality. One of the most basic concepts of reality is "magic is not real". That means magical beings are impossible. For example leprechauns and all the magical beings invented by religions. Of course you will deny you believe in magic but everyone knows that's exactly what you people believe.

    By the way your Jeebus is dead. It doesn't matter what he said because he was just a worthless preacher man, equal to worthless 21st century preachers, priests, and popes.

    There is a lot of fucking religious stupidity at the Wall Street Journal.

    "If any were to change it will call into question the very belief that the church is guided by the Holy Spirit and that the Church is infallible."

    Sorry about this nitpicking but your "Holy Spirit" is just a fantasy. It's not real. Spirits, whether or not they are holy, do not exist. Leprechauns have the same problem.

    I wrote several comments at this place. The stupidity, it burns.

    Thursday, October 15, 2015

    Today's Agnes comic strip was about science and religion. I wrote 2 comments there.

    Science killed religious stupidity in 1859 when Darwin published On the Origin of Species.

    Faith is the process of believing in ridiculous childish nonsense that make cowards feel good.

    Tuesday, October 13, 2015

    A quote I found at the Agnes comic strip.

    “The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.”
    – Neil De Grasse Tyson, U.S. astrophysicist

    Saturday, October 10, 2015

    A copy and paste job. "The evidence for human-ape common ancestry is overwhelming. The evidence in a nutshell comes from shared genetic errors - genetic plagiarism - which make perfect sense when you realise that a genetic error in two more species at the same place in their genomes is evidence for this error occurring in an ancestral species."

    The fact of evolution as confirmed by genetics and genomics

    As I point out on a regular basis, the evidence for human-ape common ancestry is overwhelming. The evidence in a nutshell comes from shared genetic errors - genetic plagiarism - which make perfect sense when you realise that a genetic error in two more species at the same place in their genomes is evidence for this error occurring in an ancestral species. Special creation has absolutely no answer for this, and it is telling that this fact is either ignored, or hand-waved away with risible explanations such as God cursing humans and apes in the same way after the fall. While the evidence for common descent was already overwhelming well before the genomics revolution began, the genomics data has underlined this fact emphatically.

    To be honest, this blog has more than enough information to convince the intellectually honest, open-minded reader of the fact of evolution, so further material would appear to be redundant, but I have found that some respond better to video presentations. Computational geneticist Stephen Schaffner spoke at the recent Genesis Recast conference, outlining the genetic evidence for human evolution.

    Unlike the poorly informed Christadelphian evolution denialists who are still desperately trying to convince themselves and others that evolution is false, Schaffner is an experienced, well-qualified biologist whose background and research well place him to comment authoritatively on this subject. For those who are searching for information on this, Schaffner's presentation is definitely worth the time.

    YouTube: Dr. Stephen Schaffner, geneticist with the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, speaks on "The Origins of Humanity: What Genetics tells us about where we came from." Dr. Schaffner has a Ph.D. in particle physics from Yale University, and specializes in the genetics of natural selection. He is a believer in Jesus Christ.

    Mr. Schaffner is Jeebus-soaked. He disgraces his profession. Fortunately, except for one sentence, he doesn't talk about it in the YouTube video. The first 5 minutes he talks about why the human ape species has different skin colors. The rest of it I haven't seen yet. It's 48 minutes. It's about evidence for evolution from genetics. He's good at it. I recommend this video.

    America needs to get rid of its oil-export ban. I wrote this comment at the Wall Street Journal.

    "House Votes to Lift Oil-Export Ban"
    Wonderful news because America is running out of places to store the excess oil. Drilling for oil will increase to meet demand so there should no problem about prices going up.
    Of course Obama is against this and everything else that's good for our economy which is another reason to look forward to his retirement, as if another reason was necessary.
    The Republican Party needs to double down on winning the election to prevent another 8 years of government infested with liberals. That means the social conservatives (aka fake conservatives) should get out of the way. Their priorities are wrong. The social conservatives will make the Republicans lose the election if they have their way. The only things that matter are the economy and foreign policy.

    Friday, October 9, 2015

    A fucking asshole Christian terrorist likes to threaten people with his moronic cowardly magical hell fantasy. I explained the fucktard's disease.

    What's your evidence for your magical life after dropping dead? You have nothing but your cowardly wishful thinking. And that's your problem mister. You're a coward. Reality makes you cry. And always you cowards brainwash children to be feeble-minded cowards like yourselves. There is absolutely no difference between you cowardly Christian terrorists and cowardly Muslim terrorists. You're all cowards, and you all have zero moral values. Your kind disgrace the human race. Drop dead every one of you.

    At the New York Times a liberal retard called the dictator of Syria a "legally elected democratic leader". I thought liberals were fucking stupid, but I never imagined they could be this fucking stupid. I wrote a reply. We will see if the NYT idiots publish it. UPDATE: The NYT did not publish my comment.

    Dean Collins

     New York Just now

    Half a billion of my tax dollars washed down the toilet trying to overthrow a legally elected democratic leader (that's half a billion we know about......)

    Where are republican hawks when it comes to issues involving military spending.....they seem to be all over every other issue........why not when it comes to cutting defense waste?


    Thank you for your submission. We'll notify you at bo*** when your comment has been approved.

    Bob C.

     Margate, FL 
    We agree about money being wasted but since when did a dictator like Mr. Assad (who has murdered thousands of his own citizens) become a "legally elected democratic leader"?

    Thursday, October 8, 2015

    I made a Christian asshole cry.

    HenryWilson - Instead of complaining about what I wrote you should try to learn something from it. It's a fact that your kind brainwash children. It's a fact that you were brainwashed. It's fact your magical heaven fantasy is only believed by cowards. You, sir, are so afraid of reality you are willing to believe any nonsense that makes you feel good. If you want to fix your disease you have to admit how sick you are. If you're too afraid to grow up and face facts then it's your wasted life. Nobody cares.

    Wednesday, October 7, 2015

    A creationist fucktard attacked science and lied about scientists to defend his moronic childish everything-is-magic fantasies. I wrote 4 replies. The asshole will most certainly vaporize everything I wrote, Christian scum have to use censorship, dishonesty, and brainwashing to defend their disgusting death cult.

    1. Can Creationists Be Scientists?
      No because a science denier could never be real scientist.
      Evolution by natural selection and genetic drift is the strongest fact of science and it’s the foundation of biology. A biologist would have to be a biology denier to be a creationist. Biology deniers are not real scientists. In any case they only exist at Bible colleges. They have never contributed anything important to biology.
      Evolution deniers deny the established truth of evolution because they know absolutely nothing about it. They don’t understand natural selection and they are not even aware of the massive evidence for it. They could educate themselves but they are so convinced everything is magic they don’t bother to study science. It’s called willful ignorance.
    2. “their belief in evolution”
      You don’t get it. If an idea has tons of evidence then belief is not required. Several branches of science all confirm evolution. I have read 5 books on the subject. There is so much evidence for evolution there was virtually no overlap. The 5 books explained different evidences for evolution, and all that is still a small fraction of the massive evidence that grows every day.
    3. “Consider Isaac Newton” who died long before Mr. Darwin was born. Mr. Newton was brilliant. Most certainly if he lived today he would totally accept the overwhelming evidence for evolution.
    4. “Today as well, there are many Ph.D. scientists who reject evolution and instead believe that God created in six days as recorded in Scripture.”
      How many of these science deniers are biologists and what did they contribute to biology? You are being a bit dishonest about scientists. It’s virtually impossible to find a real biologist who denies the foundation of biology.